Yes, I know it has been a long time, sorry. I have considered quiting the blog altogether because I really don't have time for it now. There are so many other things I would rather be doing. I thought I might give it one last go.
Ryder has started Baseball up again and yes he got drafted up to the "Mustang" league. He is the yongest in the whole league and playing with boys who are one and two years older than him, I haven't seen him play in comparison to the other kids on his team, so I don't know where he stands as far as how good or not good he is. He is really excited though. He just had his 9th birthday and yes is growing up too fast for me! He loves playing his PS3 that he got for his birthday (yes, he is sharing the Blu-Ray Disc player). His favorite game would have to be Star Wars Lego, that Grandma got him for his Birthday, and Rock Band. He is pretty good at drums and guitar, and I have considered getting him lessons for either one because he loves it so much.
Brock is still up to his same shenanigans. Today, he feel asleep and then woke up 20 minutes later. I thought he might be sleep walking because he was saying some crazy stuff. I was sitting on the couch watching TV and he came in and said "Mom, I want you to do that." I said "What?" He said "That!" (pointing to a toy gun on the floor). I picked it up and said "What do you want me to do with it?" No answer. He went up stairs and Jason tried to put him back to sleep and he stepped onto the carpet and said "Why are there so many!" Needless to say we were laughing our butts off. We have signed him up for Soccer again. Before his first game Jason and I promised him that if he scored a goal in his first game we would take him to Chucky Cheese. I don't know if you are familiar with how Brock plays soccer but it consists of cart wheels, treat obsessions, and talking to Dallin (his friend). Well, we were hoping that maybe this year would be the tell all. Right off, he gets the ball, takes it down the field, and scores. BANG! We were in shock. Where the heck did that come from? Then 2 seconds later, BANG! another one. By the end of the game he had scored so many goals that we had lost track. Don't worry though he did pull out some awesome cartwheels.
Luke is my little sweetie. He is so kind to everyone and always says "please and thank you". He loves Yo Gabba Gabba, yogurt, his blanket and binky, air hockey, and going to Costco.
Wil is at the best age, 7 months. He crawls around the house, makes little noises, and laughs while he is doing it. My most favorite thing that he does, is when he looks at his hand while he opens and shuts it. It's like he can't believe it's that easy. He loves to watch you stick your tongue out and make noises and then try to do it too.
Well, last of all Jason and I are getting ready to go on the long awaited trip to Hawaii. We leave in 2 weeks and get to stay for 7 beautiful days with no kids. My Mom is flying up from California to watch our kids and she might need a break, so if anyone wants to give her one during the week and take a couple of kids for an hour I know she would love it.
Well I am glad I got this over with, hope all is well with you and your families.
Navy's Birth
9 years ago